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Holiday Fraud — Expect the Unexpected in 2020
By: David Ver Eecke, Sr. Fraud Product Manager 2020 is the year of the unexpected — and this holiday shopping season will be no different. The pandemic has changed our world in so many ways,...
Eye on Payments 2020: Part I – COVID-19 Drives Consumer Payment Choices and Purchasing Behavior
By: Tom Pierce, Chief Marketing Officer Virtually no aspect of the economy has remained untouched by COVID-19 — and the impacts continue to evolve the payments landscape at a rapid speed. The...
Lessons Learned from a True Tale of a Digital Scammer
By: Gene Fredriksen, Security Strategy Consultant In this real-life story, it is 2018 and Kwamaine Ford, an employee of a celebrity at the time, seemed to have the world by the tail. He traveled in...